Tuesday 24 July 2012

Blushing pink - the night sky says hello

The evening sky was blushing pink as I walked in the front gate just after 5pm.  With the relatively mild air, it reminded me of early spring.  I looked over towards the east and saw one of the cranes at the docks bathed in pink light.  It seemed incongruous - such a masculine piece of machinery, looking coy. Instead of a pink flamingo, it's a pink crane.  It made me smile.

I looked up and noticed the row of television antennae on the roof of my building.  Their iconic outline was silhouetted against the softly tinged sky.

These moments of appreciating the details are something I enjoy.  After a day with head buried in numbers and invoices, it felt wonderful to be out in a world that had made itself up to look its very best.

Thank you world!

Pink crane - of the non-ornithological kind.
(c) divacultura 2012

Suburban lifelines - a row of television antennae
(c) divacultura 2012

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